Street Turn
What is a street turn?
Container that has left a COSCO facility under an import shipment may be reused for an export shipment without first returning them to a terminal, rail ramp...
How can I submit a Street Turn Request?
COSCO SHIPPING Lines Announces: - Changes to the Submission of Streetturn Requests for Export and Empties (Details for All Listed Below) September 30t...
Who can submit a Street Turn Request?
Truckers, this will save the trucker time and fuel cost.
How long is the wait time and approval of Street turn?
Processing time is up to 4 hrs. (We encourage truckers to submit a request as soon as they decide to use for export to avoid any delays). Once all informati...
Who will be responsible for the per-diem?
Truckers. Street turn request date we use to stop the import per diem clock & start EXPORT per diem for the trucker who involved on Street turning the c...